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Writer's pictureLaurel J

What do we want from Shane and Jeffree now?

Updated: Sep 24, 2019

So I just watched the preview for this series coming soon. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about (living under a rock is not recommended), then I'll bring you up to speed really quick.

The beauty community is BATSHIT CRAZY and like totes out of hand. Shane Dawson makes some kickass documentary style YouTube videos. And Jeffree Star? Well he's just the queen of all beauty, in general. Combine these three, and you get this new video series being produced by Shane, and it will be released soon. The preview was just uploaded. Go watch it! ( )

So here's where I'm left. What do I even want out of this series? There's been a whole shit ton of hype, and after all the dramageddon's, I'm almost like, can I even keep up with this anymore? Ha.

The main things I want out of this series:

1. The MFing tea, bitches! I want to know what Jeffree knows about the beauty industry. I want it all laid out bare in front of us so we can just bask in the loveliness of it. I want to know about the companies, the backstage of the product development. I want to know what makes these companies tick. This brings me to the next thing:

2. Do I want to see another dramageddon arise as a product of this series? Absolutely not. I want to be entertained. I don't want to watch a poor James Charles-type (or James Charles, again) be ran through like he was. It was too much. It wasn't ok. There's a huge difference between entertainment and just feasting on the innocent souls of young beauty gurus.

  • Note: These things do contradict each other, so I'm going to write a long aside here because I can. I want to know the behind the scenes type shit with the makeup companies. I want to know the ins and outs of the business. These are things that Jeffree absolutely knows. He's the owner of a super successful makeup brand himself. Do I think we will get that? Nah. There's like NDAs, CDAs, all types of BS; companies fight tooth and nail to keep these types of community secrets just that--secrets. He will feed us what we want to hear, and not the truth. But like, feed it to me anyway. Entertain me! That being said: I do not want to hear about which beauty influencer really actually might have kind of said about another. I don't want to hear about James Charles. I don't want to hear about Manny, or Laura, or hell, any of the others. I definitely don't want to hear about Tati. The beauty drama channels keep me up to speed with that shit. I want more from Shane. Hell, I expect more from Shane. (But do I think we’re going to get a whole lot of it? Absolutely! More later…) Now that that's all probably not cleared up, back to our regularly scheduled programming:

3. I want Jeffree to be as humanized as he was in the previous series. I want to see the heartache, the hard work. I want to see the reason that we all look up to him laid out in front of us. Do I think we will get this? It’s a Shane series. Yup!

What do I think we will get out of this?

  1. We will get Jeffree working his ass off in the office, for his brand. We will see the extravagance that is his life. We will see some of the turmoil behind the scenes. We won’t see much more than that.

  2. We will also see Jeffree’s side of the story with the whole Dramageddon 2.0. He will be moralized. He will not be to blame. Do I think he was to blame anyway? Not really. But he will be forgiven by anyone who still thinks he played a role in the whole James Charles debacle after this series. It's a Shane series, you know how he plays the heartstrings. It's a given, babe.

  3. We will also see more into his friendship with Tati, I think. I think that’s going to matter in the whole storyline that, again, I THINK, will be played. I want to see what happened there. Where does it leave them after the whole debacle? I think we will see Shane torn to pieces by everything that happened. I don’t think that Shane is someone who condones the slaughtering of someone’s career that occurred (I’m not saying James is cancelled, I’m saying everyone tried).

I really wanted a behind the scenes of the beauty industry, and I'm pretty sure that's how it all started. And I honestly think that may not be what we are getting. I think it'll just be a more behind the scenes of drama. Boo. I'm still here for it, though.

I will be reviewing these episodes as they come out, lovelies. Do I think I will recommend each episode? Hell yes. The first episode is being released on October 1st, so make sure to check it out!

And good luck to everyone who ever was involved in a Dramageddon. The Jeffree stans will be coming for you soon.

Until next time, P.O.B...

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